It's been a chilly spring so far; we've twice dipped into the upper 30s and are due to hit 40 something mid-week, which is fairly unusual for late April. Robbie and I have both been extremely busy with our jobs, but we've carved out time to get some much-needed prep and planting done, including some new large containers, some wild additions to the pool border, and lots of vegetable work.
Harvested beets, and canned them shortly thereafter:
And these beautiful golden beets, which will become part of the must-haves list each year:
We've enjoyed the first few wildflowers that have appeared as of today, including Indian Paintbrush, our ubiquitous Fleabane daisies, and this tiny patch of Bluebonnets that popped up in the pool wildscape border:
It's a booming year for the bearded Irises so far, and loads that we'd never noticed before are popping out here and there, including this beautiful plum purple one bordering the creek:
I was very happy to see that our Graptopetalum and 'Silver Falls' Dichondra were both hardy and are poking back out from under the 'Whale's Tongue' Agave ovatifolia they're skirting in these pipe pots:
In the last ten days, we've seeded Cucumbers (A&C Pickling, True Lemon, and Edmonson) Beans (Kentucky Wonder, Provider, and Scarlet Runner) Corn (Reid's Yellow Dent and Golden Bantam Improved), Cantaloup (Pride of Wisconsin and Charentais) Pumpkins (Musquee de Provence, Rouge vif D'Etamps, and Cornfield) and planted loads of peppers, eggplant and even some last minute tomatoes.
The Laciniato or 'Black Tuscan' Kale is peaking now, and I'll get a picture to add, as it's beautiful and rich. The chard is past peak, but still beautiful, and will be coming out soon as we need the real estate now.
Sugar has been a great supervisor:
Soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the cool breeze.